Welcome to my ePortfolio
Welcome to my website. I am Daniel Lawrence Lu, a 14 year old student studying at the University Transition Program. This is currently Version 4.0 of my website design genius. Enjoy.
To navigate, use the glossy navigation bar above. To know more about me, go to "About"; to see my goals for the year of 2008, go to "Goals"; to view a list of my accomplishments and skills, go to "Resum�"; to see a gallery of my artwork, go to "Opus"; to see my journals and blog entries, go to "Blog"; to see ways of contacting me, go to "Contact".
System requirements
This website does not work on Internet Explorer. If your browser does not display the site properly, please use a more modern internet browser, such as Firefox. 16.7 million colours (24-bit RGB, 8 bits per channel) is recommended, as well as a screen resolution of at least 800 x 600.