Gadget is an entirely autonomous robot designed and constructed for the 10th UBC Engineering Physics Roborace, 2010. Gadget is capable of following a black tape on a white surface at a very high speed.
Gadget is the brainchild of Team 11, PHYS253 2010: Daniel L. Lu, Russell Vanderhout, Adrien Emery, and Billy Fung. Because of our first names, Gadget is also nicknamed "the DRAB robot", even though it is far from being drab.
Gadget features many unique components and design choices. For instance, Daniel designed a high-performance mechanical differential that was fabricated using precision laser-cut parts. Russell developed a highly unique algorithm to scan our eight tape sensors. Adrien obtained and designed circuits for an infrared rangefinder that provides us with a unique way of detecting obstacles.
Here are links to some past and present PHYS253 teams.